• Image of Mini wired ANGEL of Happiness

can be hung for example to the chandelier, lamp, twig, window, curtain, rear view mirror of the car or the Christmass tree…

Along with hook, measures approximately 7cm (3 inch).

Choose according your wishes:

-WHITE is color of the Archangel Gabriel, who brings us joy, ectasy, vibrancy and dance. It helps in times of heaviness, depressions and hopelessness.

-RED is the color of the Archangel Uriel who helps to heal the emotions. It is aslo the color of 1.root chakra. It adds physical, spiritual and mental strenght.

-ORANGE combines with the Archangel Gabriel. Relieve stress and increases creativity. It is also color of 2. sacral chakra, which is responsible for emotions, relationships, sexual energy and creative power.

-YELLOW AND GOLD is the color of the Archangel Jofiel, which is the angel of enlightenment. It helps us with learning and brings us inner peace. Yellow is also color of 3.solar plexus chakra, which is the seat of the will of personality, emotional ties and mental processes.

-GREEN is the color of Archangel Raphael. It heals and regenerates.It is also the color of 4.heart chakra, centre of love and relationships.

-LIGHT BLUE is the color of Archangel Michael, the protector of Goďs order. Gives courage, protection and security. Blue is also the color of the 5.throat chakra, therefore center speeches will and communication.

-INDIGO BLUE is the color of 6.brow chakra. The color of intuition and counteract mental exhaustion and pain of all kinds.

-PURPLE is the color of Archangel Zadkiel, archangel of growth and accomplishment. It harmonises, calms the mind, relieves tension, exempt from limitations, imperfections and association. It is also color 7.crown chakra.

-PINK is the color of Archangel Chamuel, which brings us deep peace and confidence, helps in stress situations, inspire and encourages creativity in us.